
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Time is valuable for us all

The portuguese Prime-minister, José Sócrates, was in Russia recently in a diplomatic trip.

It would be nothing more than a simple political and economic journey, with it's benefits in the relations between both countries and maybe some profitable agreements for the two countries. But there was a small event that in spite of appearing to be unimportant I find of great relevance. Our Prime Minister agreed to let the famous Moscow's Red Square to be closed so that he could do his morning jogging in full security. Reports say that José Sócrates did not asked for this special measure. But he didn't turned it down also.

Well, I wonder what all the people who wanted to cross the square in the morning doing their normal day to day routines have thought about this situation...

I think it is not right that someone - anyone - using privileges given by political power (people representation) can cause such disconfort to the people itself and just to have his own pleasure. It is not proper of a democratic person but of a dictator. It could have been avoided even if he had to give up on his race. At least he wouldn't molest all the people that had to be waiting for him to cross the "finish line" to live their lives and for whom time is precious.

Cause time is not only valuable for some, but for all of us.

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