Thursday, May 26, 2005
A escolha é diminuir a competitividade!
Se não sabem administrar o dinheiro dos portugueses, não-lo tirem, não-lo roubem!
E quem quiser replicar está à vontade.
A escolha é diminuir a competitividade!
Pois é... criticam-se os trabalhadores portugueses pelos défices da competitividade portuguesa e castigam-se esses mesmos trabalhadores com mais instabilidade e precaridade no trabalho.
Agora, mais um golpe na competitividade, por via do aumento do IVA, tornam-se os produtos de consumo mais caros, penalizam-se as famílias e prejudica-se o turismo (em detrimento do grande rival e vizinho: Espanha). Será que agora o culpado deste baixarda competitividade também é a mal-tratada população activa portuguesa?
Esbanjamentos sucessivos de governos, que parecem mais interessados em manter os previlégios dos aparelhos partidários e dos apetites de interesses instalados trouxeram-nos para esta situação.
Há esforços que são necessários para mudar o "estado a que chegámos" mas, onde estão as mudanças no "Estado a que chegámos"? Onde estão os cortes na despesa e as melhorias de eficiência e dos respectivos reorganização e reaproveitamento de recursos que, ainda convém lembrar, são escassos!
Para onde nos estão a conduzir? Para mais subidas de impostos a médio prazo? Para vendas dissimuladas do país aos estrangeiros? Será que estamos a poupar para comprar armas e submarinos?
Se não sabem administrar o dinheiro dos portugueses, não-lo tirem, não-lo roubem!
Meus amigos, com tudo isto, na revolta de alguns e no desespero de outros, só mais três palavras: Mantorras a Presidente!!!
E quem quiser replicar está à vontade.
Monday, May 09, 2005
An idea of love
Maybe it is an ideia of giving. Or maybe, and probably "better", an idea of receiving. It's a matter of "you versus me", a sort of unbalanced balance. Giving is about forgetting yourself and putting your needs behind the other. Receiving is more about yourself. Self satisfation feelings on something. Back to love:
love to be a gift. An ultimate gift: giving yourself. It means considering you to be the second and the loved one to be the First. Maybe this is a total love... Maybe this does not exist except on the Bible? - not as a passion love there but a family/friendly/human fraternity love - but I'm not talking of it right now.
love to be receiving. I think that seeing love as receiving corresponds to feeling pleasure or to feel good with the happiness of the loved one and when you see that person to be or to become happy. So you work to your own happiness by building or helping the loved one's happiness. Maybe you are one and first but your happiness depends on the joy of the second. It is as if you have two bodies and you feed the second so your first one won't feel no hunger.
The only question here is: any of these ideas are supported by reality, by existing? I won't tell about my believe or experience, not here, but I care to know what you have to say on it, if there is something you wanna say... :)
Maybe it is an ideia of giving. Or maybe, and probably "better", an idea of receiving. It's a matter of "you versus me", a sort of unbalanced balance. Giving is about forgetting yourself and putting your needs behind the other. Receiving is more about yourself. Self satisfation feelings on something. Back to love:
love to be a gift. An ultimate gift: giving yourself. It means considering you to be the second and the loved one to be the First. Maybe this is a total love... Maybe this does not exist except on the Bible? - not as a passion love there but a family/friendly/human fraternity love - but I'm not talking of it right now.
love to be receiving. I think that seeing love as receiving corresponds to feeling pleasure or to feel good with the happiness of the loved one and when you see that person to be or to become happy. So you work to your own happiness by building or helping the loved one's happiness. Maybe you are one and first but your happiness depends on the joy of the second. It is as if you have two bodies and you feed the second so your first one won't feel no hunger.
The only question here is: any of these ideas are supported by reality, by existing? I won't tell about my believe or experience, not here, but I care to know what you have to say on it, if there is something you wanna say... :)